INRA Tours Nouzilly-Poste d’Ingénieur de recherche parasitologie

INRA Tours Nouzilly-Poste d’Ingénieur de recherche parasitologie. 

Cette offre sera close le 27 mars 2012

We are inves­ti­ga­ting mecha­nisms of para­si­tic nema­tode resis­tance to drugs. We have conduc­ted stu­dies to inves­ti­gate the spread of this resis­tance in farm ani­mals and dis­pose of a unique col­lec­tion of resis­tant spe­cies of nematodes.

The can­di­date will most­ly par­ti­ci­pate to cur­rent research in the lab and should also act as the research inter­play with epi­de­mio­lo­gi­cal resear­chers and tech­ni­cians. The posi­tion is per­ma­nent and is cal­led “research engi­neer”, very simi­lar to a research fel­low. We are loo­king for a per­son having a PhD in bio­lo­gy and pre­fe­ra­bly with a vete­ri­na­ry or an agro­no­mist back­ground. Basic know­ledge in mole­cu­lar tech­niques is requi­red. Knowledge in para­si­to­lo­gy will be an advan­tage. Feel free to ask ques­tions by mail (”> or”>