Apicowplexa 2012

Dear col­leagues and friends,

This is the second announ­ce­ment for “ApiCOWplexa2012: api­com­plexan para­sites in farm ani­mals”, which will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, October 25–28.

This inter­na­tio­nal mee­ting will bring toge­ther repre­sen­ta­tives from dif­ferent coun­tries and a com­mon inter­est in api­com­plexan para­sites cau­sing diseases in farm animals.


Please find all rele­vant infor­ma­tion on the mee­ting, regis­tra­tion, abs­tract sub­mis­sion, part­ners and spon­sors on our website:


We have crea­ted the ApiCOWplexa confe­rence group in LinkedIn to start dis­cus­sing the pos­si­bi­li­ty of applying for ano­ther COST action.



We are loo­king for­ward to wel­co­ming you in Lisbon

The orga­ni­zing committee,

Alexandre Leitão (IICT, CIISA, SPCV); Andrew Hemphill (University of Bern); Helder Cortes (ICAAM, University of  Évora, SPCV); Helena Soares (ESTeSL); Sofia Nolasco (ESTeSL); Yolanda Vaz (FMV, CIISA, SPCV)

Apicowplexa 2012: International Meeting on Apicomplexan Parasites in Farm Animals

October 25–28, 2012, Lisbon



Attention: new dates October 25–28 2012



Dear col­league,

We had to change the dates of our congress to October 25–28 2012.

Please accept our apo­lo­gies for any incon­ve­nience this may cause to you.

We have now laun­ched our web­site http://www.apicowplexa.net/, contai­ning all the infor­ma­tion avai­lable so far.

Looking for­ward to seeing you in Lisbon, 25–28 October!

The orga­ni­zing committee