Frontiers in Parasitology meeting 2018

Dear Researchers,

We hope that you had a nice break over the New Year cele­bra­tions and we are loo­king for­ward to seeing you in March.

The dead­line for abs­tract sub­mis­sion for­pos­ter pre­sen­ta­tions is now exten­ded till January 17th. Poster ses­sions will cover cut­ting-edge deve­lop­ments in all areas of para­si­to­lo­gy research.

Click here: to sub­mit an abs­tract of your latest research by the 17 January 2018 dead­line.


We also remind you to regis­ter for the dead sea tour (Click here:, the social events throu­ghout the confe­rence will pro­vide ample oppor­tu­ni­ty for scien­ti­fic as well as infor­mal interactions.

Finally, we would like to kind­ly ask you to pro­mote this upco­ming mee­ting within your natio­nal para­si­to­lo­gy com­mu­ni­ties.



Happy New Year,

Neta, Dan, Michal and Shula

The Organizing com­mit­tee of Frontiers in Parasitology mee­ting 2018

Neta Regev-Rudzki       Dan Zilberstein       Michal Shapira            Shulamit Michaeli

Weizmann Institute          Technion            Ben-Gurion University     Bar-Ilan University 

About the The ‘Frontiers in Parasitology’ meeting 2018


The ‘Frontiers in Parasitology’ mee­ting’s main theme is bio­lo­gi­cal prin­ciples and their para­si­tic twist.

The mee­ting aims to gather lea­ding scien­tists from around the world wor­king in the para­si­to­lo­gy field to share their latest fin­dings in mole­cu­lar and trans­la­tio­nal advances and to syn­the­size know­ledge to drive future research agen­das. In par­ti­cu­lar, the mee­ting will cover the mole­cu­lar bio­lo­gy and bio­che­mis­try of para­si­tic pro­to­zoa, kine­to­plas­ti­da and hel­minths and their inter­ac­tions with both the defi­ni­tive and inter­me­diate host.

The confe­rence will place spe­cial empha­sis on the inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ry approaches nee­ded for new dis­co­ve­ries in the cel­lu­lar bio­lo­gy of dif­ferent para­sites as well as effec­tive the­ra­peu­tic stra­te­gies to control a wide range of human and vete­ri­na­rian patho­gens that cause mala­ria, leish­ma­nia­sis, try­pa­no­so­mia­sis, toxo­plas­mo­sis, amoe­bia­sis and worm infections.