Nouveau Master 1 et 2 en infectiologie

La SFP vous informe de l’ou­ver­ture d’un nou­veau mas­ter 1 et 2 en infectiologie.

International Master in Infectiology

Université Paris Saclay and University of Health Sciences in Phnom Penh (UHS), in part­ner­ship with Institut Pasteur Paris and Institut Pasteur du Cambodge (IPC), are ope­ning a 2‑year Master pro­gram focu­sing on Infectiology (Biology of infec­tious diseases). This mas­ter is hos­ted at University of Health Sciences, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and will open in October 2018. Upon com­ple­tion of this pro­gram, stu­dents will receive Master diplo­mas from both universities.

The aim of the Master’s pro­gram Infectiology is to pro­vide a solid and broad-based foun­da­tion in pro­minent areas in Life Sciences and Health, as well as a high level of com­pe­tences in Infectiology. Pedagogical team includes spe­cia­lists from repu­table inter­na­tio­nal uni­ver­si­ties and research ins­ti­tutes. This pro­gram is cou­pled with inten­sive inter­n­ship per­iods in top-level research labo­ra­to­ries, ensu­ring that stu­dents will receive a com­plete trai­ning, both theo­re­ti­cal and practical.

For stu­dents without a French bachelor/”licence” degree, a free online upgra­ding course is offe­red prior to selec­tion. Registration to this online upgra­ding course will be arran­ged once stu­dents have sub­mit­ted their appli­ca­tion to the Master in Infectiology, either with UHS or Paris Saclay University.


  • For Paris Saclay 

Master 1 et 2 en infec­tio­lo­gie :

  • For UHS 

Master 1 et 2 en infec­tio­lo­gie: (Page rela­ted to the Master under construction)
Flyer: Flyer-International Track Infectiology PS


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