Open Post-doctoral position at the National Museum of Natural History, Paris, France,
in the context of the LabEx BCDiv: Biological and Cultural Diversities
Hameosporidia: biodiversity, dynamics and evolutionary history
Duration 12 month/ Salary: 46 452€/year
Parasites in the Order of Haemosporidia (Plasmodium, Hepatocystis, Polychromophylus), that are
intracellular haemoparasites belonging to the phylum Apicomplexa, infect a wide variety of
Vertebrates. Recent studies in great apes and Man uncovered phenomena of host’s capture associated
to unsuspected adaptive properties, mainly for the genus Plasmodium. These studies, mainly focused
on Man, bring the question of the extent of these adaptive capacities in the other mammals
accommodating Haemosporidia. Such exploration of Haemosporidia biodiversity will lean on
established bio libraries currently in elaboration at the National Museum of Natural History that will
take into account their biogeography, their distribution and their spreading in human populations and
animal species, in a diversity of natural housing environments, as a mean to provide information on
their biology and their ecology. Considered hosts will be great apes and other non-human primates,
and micromammals. The basic knowledge regarding the biodiversity, the biology and the ecology of
these Haemosporidia, will be enriched by their description at both morphological (when possible) and
molecular levels (from feces, or from blood samples, using genes amplified by PCR, such as
cytochrome b, or other mitochondrial, nuclear or plastidic markers) and the establishment of their
phylogenetic relationships.
Contacts :
‑Pr. Philippe GRELLIER, MNHN, UMR7245 CNRS, team APE, Department RDDM, CP52,
57 rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris, France. Phone : +33–1 40 79 35 10 ; Fax : +33–1 40 79 34 99; .
‑Dr Sabrina KRIEF, MNHN, UMR 7206 CNRS, Department HNS, CP 135, 57 rue Cuvier,
75005 Paris, France. Phone : +33–1 40 79 53 37 ; Fax : +33–1 40 79 38 91.
CV must be sent to and before the 1st May 2012.